Grain ProTrade – Oats wholesale at producer prices
GrainProTrade deals with wholesale of oats and all other agricultural crops from Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Moldova and other countries. Ready to arrange delivery to the specified address is a convenient way for you, with the preparation of the package of accompanying documents that ensure the safety of the cargo, hassle-free and its consequences throughout the route.
The main advantages of working with our company:
- The high level of professionalism of our entire team, which ensures problem-free collection and delivery of quality raw materials in the shortest possible time;
- a reasonable price level, as we work directly with oat producers across the country;
- possibility of various payment methods and convenient delivery, the method of which you choose yourself, even after consultation with our manager;
- completion of collective orders of any complexity.
- Contact our managers on the website or by phone. We offer high quality products at an optimal price.



Info about oats
The benefits of a product are determined by the presence of biologically active substances necessary for maintaining vital activity. The composition of unpeeled oats contains more than 10 vitamins. At the same time, the highest content of vitamin B1 (33%), vitamin H (up to 30%) and vitamin B4 (up to 22%) in Grains the highest. Many macronutrients, the most important are phosphorus (41,5%), magnesium (33,8%), potassium (16,8%). Trace elements with maximum values — silicon, vanadium, manganese. In addition, the chemical composition of unrefined oats includes calcium, sodium, sulfur, chlorine, iron, iodine, cobalt, copper, molybdenum, selenium, fluorine, chromium, zinc.
In terms of nutritional value (proteins, fats, carbohydrates), the composition of oats is also unique. Proteins contain 10%. Fat – 6,2%. Up to 55% carbohydrates. Fiber in oats up to 12%. Water contains up to 13,5%. The total calorie value is 316 kcal. In the carbohydrates included in the chemical composition of oats, only 1,1% Sugar and everything else is strength. This explains the low glycemic index of this product (the effect of the product on blood sugar levels).
There are also 12 essential amino acids and 8 interchangeable ones, and almost all fats are omega-6 fatty acids. In this case, 100 grams of the product covers half of a person’s daily need for such fatty acids.
Oats are an annual, rarely perennial plant of the bluegrass family or cereals. Along with the widespread oats, which have a filmy grain, oats of holoceric forms are also cultivated, which have a grain without a film.
Oats have compared to wheat and barley a more advanced root system. The predominant part of the roots (up to 80-90%) is located in the arable layer.
The stem is a hollow straw up to 150-170 cm high and up to 6 mm in diameter with 2-4 nodes. The leaves are narrow linear rough in green or gray up to 40 cm long and up to 3 cm wide. The flowers are small, collected in one inflorescence up to a panicle length of 25 cm. The spikelet axis is bare.
Oats are a predominantly self-pollinating plant, cross-pollination can be as high as 2%. The fruit is a grain covered with a film and tight-fitting bracts (in foil forms). The grain does not fall out of the ear. The full ripening phase occurs at a grain moisture content of 16-17%. The grain is easily crushed, but does not crumble.
Oats are a fairly cold-resistant culture. The optimal temperature for the appearance of germination is 15-19 °C, although the seeds begin to germinate already at 2-3 °C. With further growth and development, their resistance to low temperatures weakens significantly: the flowers die in frosts below -2 °C. The tfrom of the generative organs, flowering and the formation of oat grains begin at a temperature of 10-12 °C.
Oats are a moisture-loving culture. The decisive factor for moisture consumption is the period from entering the pipe to being ejected. Cool, rainy weather in the second half of the growing season noticeably tightens the growing season, especially in the northern regions, preventing the oats from ripening before the onset of frost.
Thanks to a well-developed root system, oats tolerate spring drought better than some other crops. Oats do not respond well to summer air droughts, they contribute to slowing down generative development, reducing panicle distress and the productivity of the plant in general.
Drought in the flowering phase contributes to the formation of sterile panicles. Dryness in the wax ripening phase leads to increased levels of sugars and other carbohydrates that do not have time to convert to starch. Such seeds are characterized by high germination energy, but due to the high intensity of respiration, they require special conditions during the storage period.
Compared to other grain crops, oats are less demanding on soil fertility, it is easier to tolerate soil acidity (pH = 4,5-5,5). It grows well on clay, loam, clay and peat soils. Oats respond well to liming of acidic soils and the introduction of mineral fertilizers. Nitrogen is the most important for this. So, the use of nitrogen fertilizers drastically increases the yield, the quality of the grain, promotes the accumulation of protein in it. A prerequisite for a high-quality harvest is a sufficient supply of phosphorus and potassium to the plants.
On average, oat grain contains 10-13% protein, 40-45% starch, 4,5-6,0% fat. Due to this indicator, oats have nutritional and feed value. Oat grain is an indispensable concentrated feed for horses and young animals of other species, poultry. Oats as feed help to increase egg retention in chickens and increase milk starvation. The nutritional value of 1 kg of medium quality oat grains is taken as 1 feed unit.
Cereals, Hercules, fat, galettes, coffee are made from it. Due to the good digestibility of proteins, fat, starch and vitamins, oat products are important in the diet and in baby food. The grain is rich in vitamins (B1, B2) and trace elements (cobalt, zinc, manganese).
Due to the high content of calcium and phosphorus, oat groats are close to the nutritional value of Millet and buckwheat superior. Oatmeal is not used in baking because of the poor quality of gluten, but is used to make cookies.
Oat straw and sex are used for animal feed, the nutritional value is superior to the straw and sex of other cereals. Straw contains 3,9% protein, 1,9% fat, 33,9% fiber and 38,5% azogenic extractives. Vico-oat mixture is the best culture for sowing in a busy pair. With sufficient moistening in a mixture with beans, for example, vika, bark, Peas, it serves to obtain green mass, hay, hay soil.